Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

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Redeeming the ScreensFrom Wipf & Stock Publishers

How does the future look to us? Well, clearly we realize we now live in a world of screens, from the microcosmic universe of to smartphone . . . to the imposing vigil of the multiplex giants, looming over us in Imax and 3-D--more ""real"" than real--and to all the screens in between, from computers to iPads, to muted, high definition flat-screens pouring out images in homes, restaurants, banks, businesses, schools, doctors' offices, and hospitals, and on and on everywhere we turn. We cannot change this reality, so what these Christians, and so many like them are doing is trying to find ways to redeem what we put on these screens: what message we are sending out in word and image to the watching world. So, clearly, our task, whether we have been called to create or not, is to join these artists as ""screen redeemers,"" assisting the Holy Spirit in reconciling the world to God (2 Cor 5:18-19) through helping the pervasively influential means of the media adjust its goals to the mission of Jesus Christ. ""Redeeming the Screens' words endorse the challenge of bringing Christ to the modern media. I am proud to be a Catholic priest as well as a member of SAG-AFTRA, sharing my love for Jesus on Christian TV stations each week and also doing films and commercials on the secular scene."" --Michael Manning, TV host of Word in the World; Author of 15 Faces of God ""Redeeming The Screens makes such impressive sense that empowering entertainment for the sake of our Lord's glory has become possible. Anyone involved in media production will treasure this book because it provides live models of how ministers combine their passion, talents, and faith to deliver God's truth. This book has provided a superb example of how this is to be accomplished. A warm and glowing book which I will share with many of my personal and professional friends."" --Joseph Nassralla, CEO & Founder of The Way TV, Duarte, CA ""Although all Christians are called to be lights, few will ever know the depth of this calling the men and women portrayed in this book have known. Their stories will challenge, humble, and inspire you to break out of your protective bubble and go into all the world and preach the gospel, even if that world is on Sunset Boulevard."" --Michele Pillar, Speaker; Author of Untangled; three-time Grammy Award-nominated singer Jeanne C. DeFazio holds an MA in Religion from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is currently an Athanasian Teaching Scholar at Gordon-Conwell's Center for Urban Ministerial Education in Boston and a co-author with Teresa Flowers of How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude on the Night Shift (2014) and co-editor with John P. Lathrop of Creative Ways to Build Christian Community (2013). William David Spencer is Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Theology and the Arts at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's Boston Center for Urban Ministerial Education. He is the recipient of twenty one awards for writing and editing and is the author of several hundred articles, reviews, poems, stories, and thirteen previous books, including his latest, the urban adventure novel Name in the Papers.

  • Published on: 2016-05-03
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .56" w x 6.00" l, 1.03 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 224 pages

About the Author
William David Spencer (Th.D., Boston University; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary) is the ranked adjunct associate professor of theology and the arts at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's Center for Urban Ministerial Education (CUME) in Boston. He has served as protestant chaplain at Rider University, adjunct professor with New York Theological Seminary and helped establish and serve as director of personnel for the Alpha-Omega Community Theological School (A.C.T.S.). Spencer is an ordained Presbyterian Church U.S.A. and speaks regularly at churches, conference and classes on biblical, theological and experiential aspects of marriage. He is also the author ofMysterium and Mystery: The Clerical Crime Novel, Dread Jesus and coedited Chanting Down Babylon: The Rastafari Reader.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
I could hardly stop reading because I wanted to know the story of the next one too!
By felix widmer
I have read the book with great joy and blessing. I could hardly stop reading because I wanted to know the story of the next one too!

These are my comments on the book:
• I am particularly happy about the concluding chapter because David Spencer summarizes excellently the content of the book. It reflects what I also wrote down, only in more details such as summarizing each chapter and highlighting some issues of it.
• All people seem to know each other - it’s an expression of an active network of followers of Christ reaching out to the unique world of those who ‚fill the screens‘, the red carpets, the celebrated ones!
• It’s a manifesto of GOD who can really work with anyone and not just work but empower people willing to make themselves available to HIM. Sheri brings it to the point when she says: „God has a jealous love for me, to fulfill his call on my life, not my call on my life!“ What a beautiful realization!!
• It’s stories of broken people, people with broken relationships - most testimonies contain divorces and/or themselves being rejected. However it’s testimonies of acceptance and restored relationships with the Creator!
• It’s a book witnessing of GOD’s power in just about any circumstance his people are in - if they are there because of HIS call!
• Sheri’s and maybe one other testimony are really personal, vulnerable and not so much focusing on ‚what they did and achieved‘. That’s why I like those few testimonies. The listing of achievements is nice but the transformation in/of an individual is powerful.
• To summarize: Get the book, get the message out there - for the sake of encouragement to those you have not given room in your book but are also reaching out and as a witness to the Glory of GOD who is in the business of transforming lives of people to whom a red carpet is not enough!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Love this book full of amazing stories
By andrew baktamarian
Love this book full of amazing stories.....I will be interviewing Sheri Pedigo which her story starts on page 81"The Flight of the Butterfly" on my Christian TV Talk Show called God's View. Jeanne C. DeFazio (Great Job) Great Book! I love books that are testimonies or life stories as this one.......Great Read....God Bless you and the sales of this great book. Charlene Baktamarian

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Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

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Memento de l'Agronome, by Collectif

  • Sales Rank: #3656537 in Books
  • Original language: French
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

[Q105.Ebook] Ebook Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

Ebook Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

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Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

Ebook Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

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Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD

In 1996 Tupac Shakur, one of the most talented artists of his time, was murdered by an unknown gunman. Fred L. Johnson and Tayannah Lee McQuillar examine the theories surrounding his death and the story of Tupac’s lost legacy in this definitive biography.

For millions, Shakur gave voice to their stories, but there was also another side to him, revealed as his life spun out of control, as the whispered warnings from friends went unheeded and the denunciations of critics grew louder. Disturbingly, he sang and wrote about his impending death. When it came, it brought the music industry to its knees and ended an era when American rappers were leaders in using their art to speak the truth to corporate, government, and judicial power.

  • Sales Rank: #316968 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-01-26
  • Released on: 2010-01-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.20" h x .65" w x 5.50" l, .61 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 288 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Since his untimely death in 1996, rapper Tupac Shakur has been memorialized in a wide range of books and documentary films, but few are as exhaustively researched and contextualized as this latest, unauthorized biography from author McQuillar (When Rap Music Had a Conscience) and history professor Johnson. Seeking to understand the enigmatic performer, McQuillar and Johnson have enlisted a psychologist to profile Shakur, looked into a century of his family history, and paid particular attention to the political background of his mother, Afeni, a former Black Panther. The result is insightful, enjoyable and expansive, even if it doesn't answer the questions that still linger regarding Shakur's celebrity lifestyle and still-unsolved murder. For casual fans with no prior exposure to Shakur's life, this biography will prove thorough and accessible, with lengthy but informative tangents that cover seemingly all of Tupac's collaborators and associates. Readers looking for glitzy speculation will not find it here, and Tupac enthusiasts may not learn much new, but this undeniably solid biography will deepen anyone's appreciation of the hip-hop legend. END

From Booklist
In September 1996, musician and actor Tupac Shakur was gunned down on a Las Vegas street. His murder has never been solved. Although he released his first album only in 1991, by the time of his death Shakur was at the top of his field, a smash-hit recording artist who had also received acclaim for acting in such movies as Juice and Poetic Justice. He had also seen his share of controversy: an armed robbery in which he was shot several times; the murder of a former friend (in which some observers tried to implicate Shakur); a conviction and prison sentence for sexual assault. The authors acknowledge Shakur’s deeply troubled childhood—his mother, a former Black Panther, was tried (and acquitted) for conspiracy to commit murder; his stepfather was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list—but they also celebrate the rapper’s intelligence and his gifts as an artist who wrote about love and respect, not hate and violence. The Shakur who emerges here is no illiterate gangster-turned-gangsta but, rather, a bright, artistic, driven man whose life and career continue to inspire many people. --David Pitt

Booklist, 2/15/2010
“The Shakur who emerges here is no illiterate gangster-turned-gangsta but, rather, a bright, artistic, driven man whose life and career continue to inspire many people.”

Library Journal, 1/29/10
“Original…As much a biography of Shakur as a history of racial struggle in America…Those looking for a compelling, no-holds-barred biography and an education regarding significant historical events should seek out this book.” 

Buffalo News, 1/31/10
“Fine writing and deft analysis.”, 2/22/10
“Exhaustively researched and contextualized…Insightful, enjoyable and expansive…This undeniably solid biography will deepen anyone’s appreciation of the hip-hop legend.”

The Source, March 2010 “An in-depth and chilling analysis of the rap icon.”

Most helpful customer reviews

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
By E. Terrell
I've read a lot of books about Tupac and 1990s rap music. This era is what defined the boundaries of rap music and if you listen to what rappers were rapping back then, you realize whats being said today was already said, and that all the rappers of today are profiting off of what Bigge and Pac made possible. As you can tell I take the life and times of Tupac Shakur very seriously and because of that this book offends my soul.

If you are looking for a very general and easy to read adventure through Pac's life then look no further, the authors write very short chapters, the shootings that Pac endures take up no more than ten pages, which is ridiculous to me (Although that could be because I read a book called "LAbyrinth" that is entirely dedicated to researching just those two incidents). The authors have a PHD and will often interject long and and unnecessary backgrounds of people and places to give the impression that they are putting Tupac in context but judging from the way they talk about the music it is clear they have no idea what they are dealing with. For the most part they get a lot of stuff right, but they leave out IMMENSE amounts of information. For example, the movie Gang Related and Bullet were completely ignored (possibly because they were released after his death, i'm not sure). They also referred to Mickey Rourke as being a part of the movie Juice, and that's just wrong and bad research. It implies that they haven't seen Juice, which was Tupac's most famous performance!

It's not a bad book, you will enjoy a lot of it if you like Tupac but if you are VERY interested in getting as much new information about Tupac as you can, this book offers nothing new. It takes its best parts from other books already written. The best book it uses is called "Got Your Back" and its written by Pac's close friend and personal bodyguard at Death Row. It is worth a whole lot more than this book because it gives you a clear sense of the man and not just a run-though of all the publicized events that defined him.

19 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
Couldn't put it down..
By David Figueroa
Let me start off by saying that I'm a HUGE Tupac fan, throughout the good bad and the ugly. I've studied his work, and other books based on his life. None of them touch this one. Even as a fan that's read up on the man, this book gives you so much more. I read it within 3 days and at it's end i wanted more. There so much background and detail to paint the imperfect image of Tupac Shakur that you feel like you're meeting him for the first time. What I loved most is that the book isn't glorifying Tupac as some kind of saint, but more touching on his successes and failures as a man and an artist.

If you're a fan or just interested in why he impacted both Hip-Hop and American as a whole, it's a must read.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Tupac The Legend
By C3
I learned more about Tupac and more understanding of his life couldn't put the book down one of my favorite books ever so i think anyone should get this book if your a real fan of Tupac RIP Tupac Thug Life Forever.

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[Q105.Ebook] Ebook Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD Doc

[Q105.Ebook] Ebook Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD Doc
[Q105.Ebook] Ebook Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, Fred L. Johnson PhD Doc

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

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Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to the True Nature of the Universe, by Robert Lanza, Bob Berman

Robert Lanza is one of the most respected scientists in the world—a US News & World Report cover story called him a “genius” and a “renegade thinker,” even likening him to Einstein. Lanza has teamed with Bob Berman, the most widely read astronomer in the world, to produce Biocentrism, a revolutionary new view of the universe.

Every now and then a simple yet radical idea shakes the very foundations of knowledge. The startling discovery that the world was not flat challenged and ultimately changed the way people perceived themselves and their relationship with the world. For most humans of the 15th century, the notion of Earth as ball of rock was nonsense. The whole of Western, natural philosophy is undergoing a sea change again, increasingly being forced upon us by the experimental findings of quantum theory, and at the same time, towards doubt and uncertainty in the physical explanations of the universe’s genesis and structure. Biocentrism completes this shift in worldview, turning the planet upside down again with the revolutionary view that life creates the universe instead of the other way around.

In this paradigm, life is not an accidental byproduct of the laws of physics. Biocentrism takes the reader on a seemingly improbable but ultimately inescapable journey through a foreign universe—our own—from the viewpoints of an acclaimed biologist and a leading astronomer. Switching perspective from physics to biology unlocks the cages in which Western science has unwittingly managed to confine itself. Biocentrism will shatter the reader’s ideas of life—time and space, and even death. At the same time it will release us from the dull worldview of life being merely the activity of an admixture of carbon and a few other elements; it suggests the exhilarating possibility that life is fundamentally immortal.

The 21st century is predicted to be the Century of Biology, a shift from the previous century dominated by physics. It seems fitting, then, to begin the century by turning the universe outside-in and unifying the foundations of science with a simple idea discovered by one of the leading life-scientists of our age. Biocentrism awakens in readers a new sense of possibility, and is full of so many shocking new perspectives that the reader will never see reality the same way again.

  • Sales Rank: #4829 in Audible
  • Published on: 2009-10-13
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 392 minutes

“I found the attack on physics to be pretty compelling ... Lanza's theories [are] certainly worth debate.”
—Houston Chronicle's Eric Berger, SciGuy blog

“What makes this book both interesting and worth the effort of reading it; is the unique perspective Lanza brings to the subject matter as a physician. ... From the way [Lanza] chooses to present his arguments, it's clear he has a solid grasp of esoteric disciplines like quantum theory, special relativity and particle physics. And what makes his presentation more compelling than other efforts I've encountered is his ability and willingness to weave personal experience into the thoughts and ideas presented. His style is conversational and warm which tends to pull you along through the exposition gently. And his sense of wonder and befuddlement at shop worn enigmas like the double slit experiment, Bell's theorem, non-locality and Schrödinger's cat is as infectious as it is delightful ... I very much like what Lanza has to say in Biocentrism.”
—Midwest Book Review

Endorsements for Robert Lanza’s essay on which Biocentrism is based:
“For several days now I have read and reread your article and thought about it. Like ‘a brief history of time’ it is indeed stimulating and brings biology into the whole. Any short statement does not do justice to such a scholarly work. Almost every society of mankind has explained the mystery of our surroundings and being by invoking a god or group of gods. Scientists work to acquire objective answers from the infinity of space or the inner machinery of the atom. Lanza proposes a biocentrist theory which ascribes the answer to the observer rather than the observed. The work is a scholarly consideration of science and philosophy that brings biology into the central role in unifying the whole. The book will appeal to an audience of many different disciplines because it is a new way of looking at the old problem of our existence. Most importantly, it makes you think.”
—E. Donnall Thomas
Thomas was awarded the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington and Director Emeritus of the Clinical Research Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

“It is genuinely an exciting piece of work. I am very familiar with some of the things you say. The idea that consciousness creates reality has quantum support, as you suggest, and also coheres with some of the things biology and neuroscience are telling us about the structures of our being. To put what you are doing in a larger context, it exhibits a dramatic new Copernican reversal. Just as we now know that the sun doesn’t really move but we do (we are the active agents), so you are suggesting that we are the entities that give meaning to the particular configuration of all possible outcomes we call reality. I think this is a great project.”
—Ronald Green
Green is the Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values, and Director of Dartmouth College’s Ethics Institute. Professor Green is a well-known religious studies scholar and former Chairman of the Department of Religion

“Robert Lanza, a world renowned scientist who has spanned many fields from drug delivery to stem cells to preventing animal extinction, and clearly one of the most brilliant minds of our times, has done it again. ‘A New Theory of the Universe’ takes into account all the knowledge we have gained over the last few centuries, and correlates them to our own beings, placing in perspective our biologic limitations that have impeded our understanding of greater truths surrounding our existence and the universe around us. This new theory is certain to revolutionize our concepts of the laws of nature for centuries to come.”
—Anthony Atala
Atala is an internationally recognized scientist, and the W.H. Boyce Professor, Chair, and Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

“As an astrophysicist, I focus my attention on objects that are very large and very far away, ignoring the whole issue of consciousness as a critical part of the Universe. Reading Robert Lanza’s work is a wake-up call to all of us that even on the grandest scale we still depend on our minds to experience reality. Issues of “quantum weirdness” do have a place in the macroscopic world. Time and space do depend on perception. We can go about our daily lives and continue to study the physical Universe as if it exists as an objective reality (because the probabilities allow that degree of confidence), but we do so with a better awareness of an underlying biological component, thanks to Dr. Lanza. I cannot speak for NASA or other NASA scientists, but personally I look forward to hearing a more detailed explanation of this biocentric view of the Universe from Dr. Lanza.”
—David Thompson
Thompson is an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. His contributions include the building and flying of prototypes of EGRET, which was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis in 1991. He is currently with the Astroparticle Physics Laboratory, and has received both the Goddard Space Flight Center & NASA Group Exceptional Achievement Awards.

“Yes, it is appropriate to ask whether our perception of space and time is a consequence of our particular neurophysiology. Yes, it is appropriate to ask how it happened that the conditions worked out to be just right for life to appear somehow on earth and then to evolve from the archaea through the eukaryotes to us. ... I’ll bet the book gets a good audience. And I like to see books published that challenge my own ideas and thoughts in ways that make me think, but not ones that simply throw dogma at me. The essay is definitely of the former kind.”
—R. Stephen Berry
Berry is James Franck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago. Professor Berry is a member (and recent Home Secretary) of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences. He was also former Vice President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and MacArthur Prize “Genius” Fellow.

“Science has a token of freedom that motivates scientists to study all logical possibilities that may explain the world. Robert Lanza has come up with an innovative approach to investigate reality from the viewpoint of biology. His article demands an answer to the question of whether scientists have exhausted all possible tools for studying nature. Can science bring biology into grand unified theory? A solution is suggested that involves a new concept, biocentrism. Lanza goes beyond the individual human attribute calling for interconnectedness among all living creatures forming the fundamental basis for understanding reality. A book that expands upon this unique approach is warranted, not only to alert society, but to call on it to test this novel new hypothesis.”
—Gunther Kletetschka
Kletetschka is a geophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He is also a Research Professor of Physics at Catholic University of America and leading scientist working on the James Web Space Telescope.

“It’s a masterpiece—truly a magnificent essay. Bob Lanza is to be congratulated for a fresh and highly erudite look at the question of how perception and consciousness shape reality and common experience. His monograph combines a deep understanding and broad insight into 20th century physics and modern biological science; in so doing, he forces a reappraisal of this hoary epistemological dilemma. Not all will agree with the proposition he advances, but most will find his writing eminently readable and his arguments both convincing and challenging. Bravo.”
—Michael Lysaght
Lysaght is Professor of Medical Science and Engineering at Brown University and Director of Brown’s Center for Biomedical Engineering.

From the Back Cover
Praise for Robert Lanza's essay "A New Theory of the Universe," on which Biocentrism is based:

"Like A Brief History of Time, it is indeed stimulating and brings biology into the whole.... The book will appeal to an audience of many different disciplines because it is a new way of looking at the old problem of our existence. Most importantly, it makes you think." ―E. Donnall Thomas, 1990 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine

"It is genuinely an exciting piece of work.... The idea that consciousness creates reality has quantum support ... and also coheres with some of the things biology and neuroscience are telling us about the structures of our being. Just as we now know that the sun doesn't really move but we do (we are the active agents), so [it is] suggesting that we are the entities that give meaning to the particular configuration of all possible outcomes we call reality." ―Ronald Green, director of Dartmouth College's Ethics Institute

"Robert Lanza, a world-renowned scientist who has spanned many fields from drug delivery to stem cells to preventing animal extinction, and clearly one of the most brilliant minds of our times, has done it again. `A New Theory of the Universe' takes into account all the knowledge we have gained over the last few centuries ... placing in perspective our biologic limitations that have impeded our understanding of greater truths surrounding our existence and the universe around us. This new theory is certain to revolutionize our concepts of the laws of nature for centuries to come." ―Anthony Atala, internationally recognized scientist and director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine

About the Author
Robert Lanza
“Robert Lanza was taken under the wing of scientific giants such as psychologist B.F. Skinner, immunologist Jonas Salk, and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard. His mentors described him as a ‘genius,’ a ‘renegade thinker,’ even likening him to Einstein himself.” —US News & World Report cover story

Robert Lanza has been exploring the frontiers of science for more than four decades, and is considered one of the leading scientists in the world. He is currently Chief Scientific Officer at Advanced Cell Technology, and Adjunct Professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He has several hundred publications and inventions, and 20 scientific books, among them, Principles of Tissue Engineering, which is recognized as the definitive reference in the field. Others include One World: The Health & Survival of the Human Species in the 21st Century (with a foreword by President Jimmy Carter), and the Handbook of Stem Cells and Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, which are considered the definitive references in stem cell research.

Dr. Lanza received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was both a University Scholar and Benjamin Franklin Scholar. He was also a Fulbright Scholar, and was part of the team that cloned the world’s first human embryo, as well as the first to clone an endangered species, to demonstrate that nuclear transfer could reverse the aging process, and to generate stem cells using a method that does not require the destruction of human embryos. Dr. Lanza was awarded the 2005 Rave Award for Medicine by Wired magazine, and received the 2006 “All Star” Award for Biotechnology by Mass High Tech.

Dr. Lanza and his research have been featured in almost every media outlet in the world, including all the major television networks, CNN, Time, Newsweek, People magazine, as well as the front pages of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today, among others. Lanza has worked with some of the greatest thinkers of our time, including Nobel Laureates Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. Lanza worked closely with B.F. Skinner at Harvard University. Lanza and Skinner (the “Father of Modern Behaviorism”) published a number of scientific papers together. He has also worked with Jonas Salk (discoverer of the polio vaccine) and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard.

Bob Berman
“this is a fascinating guy” —David Letterman

“fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight” —Astronomy magazine

Bob Berman is the most widely read astronomer in the world. Author of more than one thousand published articles, in publications such as Discover and Astronomy magazine, where he is a monthly columnist, he is also astronomy editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac and the author of four books. He is adjunct professor of astronomy at Marymount College, and writes and produces a weekly show on Northeast Public Radio, aired during NPR’s Weekend Edition.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
By Robert Steven Thomas
One of the finest & best current books I have read on the subject of human "consciousness." Lanza is a genius of first magnitude. The only tools you will need to appreciate this book as a reader is an open mind, average intelligence and the ability to "think for yourself." When they write the list of this Century's most important books, you can bet the farm this title will be near the top.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Exciting and Enticing work for everyone to enjoy
By Ayris
Those into quantum physics, consciousness, philosophy, science, or even just like ask questions will find this book a delight. Biocentrism, both the book and the theory is explain in a clear and consist manor. The writing is close to conversational- it's not like lecture or like talking to a friend, but the tone is just between the two. You get a very good understanding of Biocentrism (and what it entails) and even a basic understanding of quantum physics, which not many books succeed in teaching the basic concepts since popular culture got a hand on the concept.

The book contains the principles (a chapter for each principles) of biocentrism and then what the theory means to us and to the universe. Each principle-chapter starts from the ground up with analogies and scientific facts to explain and support the principles clearly to the reader. Even concepts you already understand are interesting to ready through just to see where the authors will take you with it.
It is NOT too heady and scientific to read casually or for people who do not typically reads citified studies. I found this book easy to put up, hard to put down, and easy to get back into without skipping a beat after a long break. The restatement of the principles at the end of each chapter really helped with keeping me in tune with the book after a long break and to help drive the principles home and into memory. I

This book introduces lots of interesting concepts and it can give you a whole new view of the universe. It is not fact- it is a theory book yet to be proven, but it does not require you to sacrifice yourself, your beliefs, or your sense to understand it. Unless you think time is real, I suppose, but I blame the school systems for that. The chapter on death and consciousness should also be read by anyone and everyone even if they don't want to read the rest of the greatness. I

Please read this book, don't pass it up. It doesn't take that long and it is truly amazing. I shall part with my favorite quote from this book (well, one)
"This time dilation effect is minor until one nears the speed of light, then it becomes awesome."

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
By Steven H Propp
Robert Paul Lanza (born 1956) is an American Doctor of Medicine, and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

He wrote in the Introduction to this 2009 book, "This book proposes a new perspective: that our current theories of the physical world don't work, and can never be made to work, until they account for life and consciousness. This book proposes that, rather than a belated and minor outcome after billions of years of lifeless physical processes, life and consciousness are absolutely fundamental to our understanding of the universe. We call this new perspective biocentrism. In this view, life is not an accidental by-product of the laws of physics. Nor is the nature or history of the universe the dreary play of billiard balls that we've been taught since grade school... rest assured there is nothing New Age about this book. The conclusions of biocentrism are based on mainstream science, and it is a logical extension of the work of some of our greatest scientific minds." (Pg. 2) He adds, "this book is not going to discuss spiritual beliefs... It will onlly observe that invoking a deity provided something that was crucially required: it permitted the inquiry to reach some sort of agreed-upon endpoint." (Pg. 8)

He notes, "[there are] more than two hundred physical parameters within the solar system and universe so exact that it strains credulity to propose that they are random... These fundamental constants of the universe---constants that are not predicted by any theory---all seem to be carefully chosen, often with great precision, to allow for the existence of life and consciousness... The old model has absolutely no reasonable explanation for this. But biocentrism supplies answers, as we shall see." (Pg. 7)

He proposes Seven Principles of Biocentrism: 1. "What we perceive as reality is a process that involves our consciousness" (pg. 23); 2. "Our external and internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. They are different sides of the same coin and cannot be separated" (pg. 39); 3. "The behavior of subatomic particles... is inextricably linked to the presence of an observer" (pg. 59); 4. "Without consciousness, 'matter' dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state" (pg. 81); 5. "The very structure of the universe is explainable only through biocentrism... The universe is simply the complete spatio-temporal logic of the self" (pg. 93); 6. "Time does not have a real existence outside of animal-sense perception. It is the process by which we perceive changes in the universe" (pg. 110); 7. "Space, like time, is not an object or a thing. Space... does not have an independent reality... there is no absolute self-existing matrix in which physical events occur independent of life." (Pg. 127)

He suggests, "'Theories of Everything' that do not account for life or consciousness will certainly lead ultimately to dead-ends, and this includes string theory. Models that are strictly time-based, such as ... the Big Bang as the putative natal event of the cosmos, will never deliver full satisfaction or closure." (Pg. 162)

Lanza's seven Principles---while intriguing, and congenial---go significantly farther than the evidence he adduces to support them. Nevertheless, this thought-provoking book will be of great interest to those looking for speculations about the "meaning" of life, and the universe.

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Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns 1From Brand: Thomson Gale

Book by Gale Group

  • Sales Rank: #2082364 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Thomson Gale
  • Published on: 1998-12
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 2.97" h x 8.60" w x 11.26" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 1700 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From Library Journal
Developed as a companion to the publisher's Major Marketing Campaigns Annual, this volume profiles 500 of the most notable marketing and advertising campaigns of the past 100 years. These campaigns cover the marketing of all types of products and services, each in two to five pages, with referral to other sources for further study. Riggs (who also edits the annual) has done a superb job of encapsulating the most important aspects of the campaigns, placing them in historical context, and identifying the target market, competitors, strategies employed, and outcome for each. The size of this collection allows for the coverage of a wide variety of campaigns and the comparison of campaigns and marketing strategies in similar product or service categories. Company studies are presented alphabetically, with campaigns ("You Deserve a Break Today," "Got Milk?") products, and individuals presented through the index. This compilation delivers admirably on the promises in its introduction and should be held by every public, special, or university library that serves marketing or advertising professionals or students.DLittleton M. Maxwell, Univ. of Richmond, VA
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Offering informative profiles of 500 marketing campaigns from the twentieth century, this work provides background information, strategy, and outcomes of notable print, radio, and television advertising efforts. Campaigns were selected based on their conceptual value or innovation, company or brand importance, and overall effectiveness. The majority occurred after the 1950s and all took place, at least partially, in the U.S. Examples include the California Milk Processor Board's "Got Milk?" Timex Corporation's "It Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'," and Wendy's International's "Where's the Beef?"

Entries are arranged alphabetically by company name, with a general index listing product names, advertising agencies, and people, while a subject index offers broad subject terms. The first two sections of each entry describe the campaign and its strategy plus the product or service itself and the historical details surrounding the company, brand, and market, along with any necessary cultural context. The product's target market is covered as well. Next, entries discuss the competitive environment and the fundamentals of the marketing strategy. Each entry concludes with an outcome assessment. The campaign is evaluated in terms not only of its effect on product sales but also of its impact on the company as a whole and the public response.

Profiles generally range from three to six pages and certainly cover all the basic information most users will be looking for. Quotes from the people involved in the campaign and from major articles written about the campaign are frequently used. Each entry lists a number of additional articles and books for further information. There are some 400 black-and-white reproductions of print and television ads and more than 500 sidebars. The sidebars provide additional facts about campaigns, such as the rumors that Spuds MacKenzie (the bull terrier "spokesman" for Bud Light) was really a she and that the name 7Up was likely derived from a cattle brand.

Few reference works offer historical information about advertising campaigns, and none match the depth and quality offered here. Although most of the information can be had from articles in major newspapers, business magazines, and standard advertising trade publications, users are sure to appreciate being able to access background details and essential facts and analysis in one handy resource. Recommended for academic libraries and medium-sized and large public libraries.
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

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