Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

[Y742.Ebook] Fee Download A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

Fee Download A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

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A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

Fee Download A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

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A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook

Everyone knows the story of Pocahontas, and how she saved John Smith. And were it not for Smith’s leadership, the Jamestown colony would surely have failed. Yet Smith was a far more ambitious explorer and soldier of fortune than these tales suggest — and a far more ambitious self-promoter, too, so reputed for his truculence that the pilgrims of the Mayflower snubbed him when he offered them his services, though he was the unrivaled expert on America. Now, in the first major biography of Smith in decades, award-winning BBC filmmaker and author Peter Firstbrook (The Obamas, Lost on Everest) traces the adventurer’s astonishing exploits across three continents, testing Smith’s own writings against the historical and geographical reality on the ground.

With A Man Most Driven, Firstbrook delivers a riveting, enlightening dissection of this mythology-making man and the invention of America.

  • Sales Rank: #1462252 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.70" h x 1.30" w x 5.00" l, 1.04 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 416 pages

“Captain John Smith’s iconic shadow still falls over Jamestown 400+ years after his 34-month sojourn in helping to found it…. A new and readable biography helps to brighten that shadow and add human dimensions to that icon: A Man Most Driven, by Peter Firstbrook…. This is a worthy addition to anyone’s library collection on Jamestown.”- First California Company, Jamestowne Society

“An assiduous researcher with a talent for cohesive narration, [Firstbrook] brushes aside the more common historian’s plagues of suspect first-person accounts and competing narratives. Smith’s autobiography, for instance, is the only record in many cases, but if a 10th of his bombastic tellings are true (and Firstbrook’s sleuthing convincingly puts them at a much higher percentage), he still led an astonishingly adventurous life.”- The Providence Journal, which named the book One of the Best Books of 2014

“Peter Firstbrook has written a book that grabs the reader at the Prologue and dangerously interferes with his sleep and his spouse’s good humor as he refuses to put it down! … This book will reside in an easy to find area of my shelf, for I know I will come back to it when I want to read a ‘real’ adventure story.” - Journal of the Early Americas

"A nuanced account of the English captain saved by Pocahontas reveals an astonishingly complicated personality. Exciting historical tales with romantic overtones." - Kirkus Reviews

"Historian and former BBC producer Firstbrook (The Obamas) delves deep into the early history of America with this thoroughly-researched biography of John Smith, who was instrumental in establishing Jamestown as a permanent English settlement in the early 17th century. With so much of Smith’s life known only through his own contradictory writings, Firstbrook approaches the subject with healthy skepticism, examining just where Smith’s claims might be exaggerated and where history backs them up. In the process, Firstbrook also takes a closer look at the legend of Pocahontas, at least partially debunking the motives behind her timely intervention in Smith’s death sentence, suggesting that the entire episode might have been more performance on Smith’s part than he originally made out. Firstbrook’s narrative is dry but detail-rich, drawing heavily from Smith’s writings to tell the story of a larger-than-life figure with an uncanny knack for survival." - Publishers Weekly

About the Author
Peter Firstbrook is author of The Voyage of Matthew (about the explorer John Cabot), Lost on Everest (about George Mallory), and The Obamas: The Untold Story of an African Family. For 25 years, he worked for the BBC as a television producer, director, and executive producer specializing in historical documentaries. He has won over 30 international awards, including the Royal Television Society award for best documentary, twice. He lives in London.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


I know I shall bee taxed for writing so much of my selfe, but I care not much.
– John Smith

On December 30, 1607, an Englishman was dragged before the paramount chief of the Virginia Indians. His abductors brought out two large rocks, and placed him with his head resting on the boulders. He lay prostrate, waiting for a mercifully swift execution. It was dark inside the longhouse, and as the prisoner’s eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom, he became aware that around him, about two hundred people were looking on in fascination. For most, it was their first sight of a European.

The prisoner was strong but not tall, standing only as high as the shoulders of his Indian guards. His thick beard mostly covered the ruddy complexion of someone who had spent most of his life in the open. The man was a few days short of his twenty-eighth birthday, an anniversary that he did not expect to celebrate. As he lay prostrate on the ground, his Indian guards raised their war clubs above his head, waiting for the command from their chief to execute him in their traditional manner – by beating the brains out of his skull.

From the shadows of the smoke-filled longhouse, a young girl of perhaps ten or twelve emerged, naked from the waist up, and with only a wisp of black hair hanging down from the back of her shaved head. She turned to the great man presiding over the ceremony, with a familiarity and self-confidence that suggested she knew the chief well. She did, for he was her father. The girl pleaded that the stranger’s life be spared. The Englishman understood little about what was being said, for his comprehension of the Algonquian language was still rudimentary.

The chief considered his daughter’s appeal carefully. He was an old man, perhaps sixty or eighty years old, broad-shouldered, fit and powerfully built for his age. He wore a robe of raccoon skins with the tails still attached, and around his neck hung a chain of pearls. He was clearly held in awe by all those present, and “at the least frown of his brow, their greatest will tremble.” The chief was dispassionate as he considered the young girl’s request, his face showing “a grave and majesticall countenance.”

The Englishman had no option but to await the judgment that would soon seal his fate.


The rescue of Captain John Smith, English soldier and adventurer, by the Indian “princess” Pocahontas is one of the oldest and most enduring legends to come out of the colonization of America. Smith wrote that “at the minute of my execution she hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine; and not only that, but so prevailed with her father, that I was safely conducted to Jamestown.” Since that bitterly cold afternoon in December 1607, the story has been celebrated worldwide in books, paintings, feature films and animated cartoons.

The only European witness to the event was Smith himself, and his account has been questioned by historians ever since it was published in 1630. If the only debatable episode in Smith’s extraordinary life was this encounter with Pocahontas, then his version of events might not have attracted quite so much derision. But this was not the case.

Smith’s autobiography, The True Travels, is packed full of the most incredible incidents: that he fought, defeated and beheaded three enemy commanders in duels; that he was sold into slavery, only to murder his master and escape; that he was captured by pirates, survived shipwrecks and marched up to the gallows to be hanged – only to be reprieved at the last moment. All this happened, or so John Smith claimed, long before he met Pocahontas and her father.

Some of Smith’s achievements are beyond dispute, most especially his success in saving the Jamestown settlement in Virginia during its first two brutal winters. Despite being a difficult and argumentative man, the surviving settlers recognized that Smith had exercised the skill and experience to help them survive. He also constantly clashed with his fellow colonists, and was charged with being a braggart and a liar. One leader of the colony wrote that Smith was “an ambityous, unworthy and vayneglorious fellowe”.

Yet rather than being universally lauded for saving England’s first permanent settlement in the Americas – which ultimately led to North America becoming part of the English-speaking world – Smith was vilified, maligned and pilloried. So was he really such a villain? Or might he be the victim of envy, internal division and historical misrepresentation?

In his own writings, Smith did little to endear himself to a sceptical reader, or to an assiduous historian. He frequently claimed he was in the right, and that others were incompetent. His spelling was chaotic, his grammar confused, and his dates and timelines were an embarrassment to any self-respecting chronicler.

In his defense, Smith never claimed to be an historian, nor did he ever expect academics and writers to be poring over his memoirs more than four hundred years after his birth. Nevertheless, given his inflated ego, he would most certainly have taken great satisfaction had he known this would be the case.

In every sense, Smith was a true Renaissance man: a soldier of fortune, captain of cavalry, colonist, adventurer, diplomat, surveyor and mapmaker; he was also a pirate, a mercenary and a self-confessed murderer. Unravelling the facts from the fiction is complex, but the truth is more revealing and intriguing than you might have imagined.

Indeed, Smith never lost his capacity to stir indignation amongst his detractors, or to arouse great loyalty in his supporters. He combined admirable strengths with great weaknesses: he was authoritarian and autocratic, yet vulnerable and insecure. His life was a catalogue of defiance and confrontation, disorder and contradiction. It is these flawed and very human characteristics that make him such a fascinating character.

Smith left many diaries and memoirs of his astonishing exploits, but which of his more fanciful claims are the writings of a deceitful self-publicist and which are anchored in the historical record? This new evaluation of John Smith combines an appraisal of his life with a detective story, as we follow in his footsteps, constantly challenging and assessing his claims. In doing so, we can test his writings against the local history and geography, about which he wrote so much.

So what can be made of this man? Is he villain or victim? Even making exception for his archaic writing style, it remains to be seen whether Captain John Smith deserves redemption.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By James Scanlan

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
I was really sad at the end when he died
By B. Brolin
Even though I knew the story, I couldn't put this book down. I read it in three or four sittings and couldn't wait till the next sitting. This is an extraordinary book about an extraordinary man. I was really sad at the end when he died, as I felt I had shared John Smith's amazing adventures, hardships and joys and probably gotten closer to him than most people during his lifetime. A huge amount of research obviously went into this book. But it is never plodding. Smoothly written and easy to read.
Jean Richards

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great read
By Rolf Rothermel
A real page turner. Mr Firstbrook has gone through a lot of trouble to show the reader exactly how Captain Smith became the man he was, and it is this analysis that makes the book so unique. Captain Smith is the original Flashman. A thoroughly enjoyable read!

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[Y742.Ebook] Fee Download A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook Doc

[Y742.Ebook] Fee Download A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook Doc
[Y742.Ebook] Fee Download A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the Founding of America, by Peter Firstbrook Doc

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

[Y210.Ebook] Ebook Free Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

Ebook Free Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

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Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

Ebook Free Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

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Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson

Before the term hacking became associated with computers, MIT undergraduates used it to describe any activity that took their minds off studying, suggested an unusual solution to a technical problem, or generally fostered nondestructive mischief. The MIT hacking culture has given us such treasures as police cars and cows on the Great Dome, a disappearing door to the President's office, and the commencement game of "Al Gore Buzzword Bingo." Hacks can be technical, physical, virtual, or verbal. Often the underlying motivation is to conquer the inaccessible and make possible the improbable. Hacks can express dissatisfaction with local culture or with administrative decisions, but mostly they are remarkably good-spirited. They are also by definition ephemeral. Fortunately, the MIT Museum has amassed a unique collection of hack-related pictures, reports, and remnants. Nightwork collects the best materials from this collection, to entertain innocent bystanders and inspire new generations of practitioners.

  • Sales Rank: #1474861 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-03-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 8.00" w x .50" l, .80 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 190 pages


"A reminder that it is up to each generation to go where no man has gone before." Joanna Pawel New York Sun

"Nightwork...shows that students just want to have fun, especially engineering and technology students." Publishers Weekly

About the Author

Institute Historian T. F. Peterson has spent many years lurking in the corridors of MIT picking up gossip and monitoring hacks in progress.

Most helpful customer reviews

22 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Great book, but with a caveat.
This is a terrific, fairly comprehensive book of the highlights from MIT's long tradition of pranks. However, if you have already read Journal of the Institute of Hacks, Tomfoolery, and Pranks, you'll find you've read most of this before, and in better detail, with better-reproduced photographs (in my opinion.) The good thing about Nightwork is that this is includes hacks from more recent years than the other book.

For me, the time they spent on the new stuff wasn't nearly enough to justify buying a whole new book, but on its own and to someone who has never read its predecessor, it is an excellent and entertaining history.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
what about all the failed pranks?
By W Boudville
Here is an informal romp through decades of MIT pranks. Reflecting well on the ingenuity and craziness of the undergrads who devoted so much time and sweat to making these happen. Most of the pranks revolve around some high tech gimmick. As you follow the narrative, you might admire the unorthodox nature to which technology has been applied.

The only lack in the book is in anecdotes of failed pranks. These could surely comprise a much larger text.

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Interesting Hacks To Fascinate People
By roy christopher
The Massechussettes Institue of Technology has been host to the leaders of innovations in many fields: Artificial Intelligence, media and communication technology, open source development, and on and on. One of its lesser known areas of bleeding-edge innovation has been pranks and hacking. Well, Institute Historian T. F. Peterson is here to set that straight with Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT.
Long before the term 'hacking' was associated with computers (and pejoratively by the popular press), it was an MIT institution. MIT undergrads used the term to describe any activity that took their minds off studying and stress. In Nightwork, the best of the best of the history of MIT hacks is documented, photographed, and explained in great detail.
Some of the best (and most visible) hacks at MIT involve The Great Dome. For instance, to celebrate the 2001 release of the movie The Lord of the Rings, MIT hackers made a gold ring around the dome with red Elvish script, "authentically inscribed with Tolkien's text." In the same spirit in 1999, two days before the release of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, the dome was made up to look like R2D2 (pictured below).
Nightwork covers these more obvious hacks as well as the long history of pranks at MIT dating back to the 1940s: Interesting Hacks To Fascinate People. And lest the reader think this is all just mindless fun, a collection of explanitory and philosophical essays is also included.
Even if you're not a hacker or a prankster yourself, hack your bookshelf with Nightwork.

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Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson iBooks
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[Y210.Ebook] Ebook Free Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson Doc
[Y210.Ebook] Ebook Free Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, by Institute Historian T. F. Peterson Doc

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

[H374.Ebook] Download The Baron In The Trees, by Italo Calvino

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The Baron In The Trees, by Italo Calvino

Cosimo, a young eighteenth-century Italian nobleman, rebels by climbing into the trees to remain there for the rest of his life. He adapts efficiently to an arboreal existence and even has love affairs. Translated by Archibald Colquhoun.

  • Sales Rank: #56581 in Books
  • Published on: 1977-03-28
  • Released on: 1977-03-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .60" w x 5.31" l, .47 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages

Language Notes
Text: English, Italian (translation)

About the Author
ITALO CALVINO’s superb storytelling gifts earned him international renown and a reputation as “one of the world's best fabulists” (New York Times Book Review). He is the author of numerous works of fiction, as well as essays, criticism, and literary anthologies. Born in Cuba in 1923, Calvino was raised in Italy, where he lived most of his life. At the time of his death, in Siena in 1985, he was the most translated contemporary Italian writer.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A fantasy of history and the imagination
By Michael J. Edelman
Do you remember climbing trees, as a child? When I was a child, our neighborhood was full of giant elms that grew into a massive arch that turned our street into a leafy tunnel. I'd climb up on the lower branches, and dream about being brave enough to climb to the very top of the tree.I imagined building tree houses, where my friends I I could camp out high in the trees, our own special places where grownups were not allowed.

Italo Calvino imagines Cosimo, a boy from a family of minor nobles of the late 18th Century who one day takes to the trees in an act of rebellion against his family, vowing never to set foot on the Earth again. He keeps his promise, traveling to foreign lands, falling in love, corresponding with Voltaire and Diderot and other great minds of his day, participating in the intellectual and the revolutionary movements. Cosimo's younger brother narrates the story of how the young baron took to the trees, and what became of him.

Italo Calvino uses his gifts in storytelling and description to create a world in which a preposterous notion becomes commonplace. The most preposterous characters and events can seem ordinary as Calvino describes them. Cosimo's mother, a German woman known as "the Generalessa," spend her time doing embroidery, but not of the sort you'd expect. "The lace and embroidery were usually in the designs of geographical maps; our mother would stretch them over cushions or tapestry and stick in pins and tiny flags, showing the disposition of battles in the Wars of Succession, which she knew by heart..."

There is also Battista, the sister of Cosimo and our narrator, "a kind of stay at home nun," confined to the castle after a questionable encounter with a young noble, who dresses in a nun's wimple and takes her revenge on the family by preparing exquisite yet inedible dishes. Cosimo's uncle (the illegitimate brother of the Duke) dresses in Turkish robes and a fez and busies himself looking after the legal affair of the family and making complex plans for canals and hydraulic systems that will never be built. Next door is a family with whom Cosimo's family has been feuding, and they have a young daughter- but beyond that you'll have to read the book for yourself.

This is Calvino at his best, the teller of fabulous tales and a crafter of exquisite sentences who can catapult the reader far up into the trees, and beyond.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A parable disquised as an intellecual exercise, or is it?
By C. Collins
Never underestimate Italo Calvino, for what you think you are reading may turn out to be something else entirely from your original impressions. That is the case with the relatively short novel, The Baron in the Trees. It is true that I found it enchanting in the beginning and several chapters captured that enchantment, but there are sections that seem totally irrelevant to the plot and by the time I finished the book, I realized it really had no plot. It is an intellectual exercise disguised as a parable. Or is it a long parable disguised as an intellectual exercise? It offers an alternative reality based on our historic reality. Calvino takes an illogical premise that a young man decides at age 12 to life the rest of his life in the trees, and then constructs a world of detail around that premise, thus keeping the reader in a state of suspension. The narrator is the younger brother to the Baron who observes and relates to us what he sees, what he interprets, and sometimes the inner motivations of the other characters. It is the love affair between Cosimo, the Baron in the trees, and Viola, his childhood girlfriend and adult lover that is the peak or climax of the story for all energy and action leads to this point and the recedes from their affair. Despite the young narrator observations and interpretations, the Baron remained a mystery for me and I finally came to the conclusion that he is the ultimate outsider, the one who sees all human society and social constructions from a philosophical distance. Yet, it is passion an love for Viola that causes Cosimo to lose the perspective of the outsider and to be bound in his passions and desires. The character of Viola is fascinating for as a child she pits boy against boy and as a woman she pits man against man. Yet Calvino has a fascinating interpretation of why she uses jealous against the man she loves most in her life. Enough said, for this is a critical part of the book I don't want to spoil for other readers. It is a long parable about choosing to be an outsider, to look at the reset of humanity from a distance, and yet to be bound by the human passions that bound all of us. It is a long parable because there is much in human existence to explore. About every five pages Calvino offers a charming and sometimes enchanting comment or observation or description that reveals him to be the master of irony and abstraction. If you are ready for an author to play games with your expectations, read it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Shayen
My favorite book of all time. I've bought multiple copies as gifts.

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[H374.Ebook] Download The Baron In The Trees, by Italo Calvino Doc
[H374.Ebook] Download The Baron In The Trees, by Italo Calvino Doc

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

[T287.Ebook] Download The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

Download The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

By reading this e-book The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How To Trace Your Family Tree In Eastern Europe, By Lisa A. Alzo, you will get the most effective point to obtain. The brand-new point that you do not need to invest over cash to get to is by doing it by on your own. So, just what should you do now? Go to the link web page and also download the publication The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How To Trace Your Family Tree In Eastern Europe, By Lisa A. Alzo You can get this The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How To Trace Your Family Tree In Eastern Europe, By Lisa A. Alzo by online. It's so easy, right? Nowadays, technology actually supports you tasks, this on-line e-book The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How To Trace Your Family Tree In Eastern Europe, By Lisa A. Alzo, is too.

The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

Download The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

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The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo

Trace your Eastern European ancestors from American shores back to the old country. This in-depth guide will walk you step-by-step through the exciting--and challenging--journey of finding your Polish, Czech, or Slovak roots. You'll learn how to identify immigrant ancestors, find your family's town of origin, locate key genealogical resources, decipher foreign-language records, and untangle the region's complicated history. The book also includes timelines, sample records, resource lists, and sample record request letters to aid your research.

In this book, you'll find

  • The best online resources for Polish, Czech, and Slovak genealogy, plus a clear research path you can follow to find success
  • Tips and resources for retracing your ancestors’ journey to America
  • Detailed guidance for finding and using records in the old country
  • Helpful background on Polish, Czech, and Slovak history, geography, administrative divisions, and naming patterns
  • How the Three Partitions of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire affect genealogical research and records
  • Information on administrative divisions to help you identify where your ancestors' records are kept
  • Sample letters for requesting records from overseas archives
  • Case studies that apply concepts and strategies to real-life research problems
Whether your ancestors hail from Warsaw or a tiny village in the Carpathians, The Family Tree Polish, Czech and Slovak Genealogy Guide will give you the tools you need to track down your ancestors in Eastern Europe.

  • Sales Rank: #335746 in Books
  • Brand: Family Tree Books
  • Published on: 2016-02-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .70" w x 7.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

About the Author
Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A., is a freelance writer, instructor, and internationally recognized lecturer, specializing in Slovak/Eastern European genealogical research. Lisa is the author of nine books, including the award-winning Three Slovak Women, and hundreds of magazine articles. She has been published in Ancestry Magazine, Discovering Family History Magazine, Family Chronicle, Internet Genealogy Magazine, Family Tree Magazine, Reunions Magazine, NGS Magazine, Western Pennsylvania History Magazine, and The Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. Lisa is a contributing editor for Family Tree Magazine, and teaches online courses for Family Tree University and The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. She is a frequently invited speaker for national conferences, genealogical and historical societies, and webinars. She has appeared on radio and TV shows in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has had numerous presentations videotaped, and was selected for a live-streamed session at RootsTech 2014. An avid genealogist for 25 years, Lisa also chronicles her family history adventures on her blog, The Accidental Genealogist and keeps followers up to date about her writing and speaking engagements at .

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
An Indispensable Roadmap for Researching European Immigrant Ancestors
By Denise Levenick
This is the book I needed a few years ago when I started researching my German immigrant ancestors. It may not be a "German" research guide, but it’s an indispensable roadmap for anyone researching European ancestors. In fact, the title could as easily be “Trace Your Family Tree in Europe” because the essential background is useful for identifying and locating immigrants of many ethnic origins.

After an introduction to Polish, Czech & Slovak heritage in Chapter One, Alzo moves on to information that I found applicable in my search for Prussian and German ancestors. For example, Chapter 2 presents a helpful graphic process map for searching for immigrant ancestors:
From “Step 1: Establish the date of arrival for your immigrant ancestor” through “Step 7: Write to archives, churches, or registrars.” The author gives detailed examples for creating timelines and chronologies to help determine that elusive “date of arrival,” followed by charts and forms for analyzing information about collateral relatives and working with cluster research.
When you arrive at the final step and are ready to contact foreign repositories, you’ll find customizable fill-in-the-blank letters for requesting information from Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

Anyone researching immigrant ancestors will find useful techniques applicable to all levels of genealogical research: using research logs, citing sources, organizing data and working with name changes and name variations. Specific sections highlight record groups of interest in immigrant research, such as immigration records, naturalization records, passport applications, newspapers, and immigrant fraternal organization records.
Genealogists with Polish, Czech or Slovak ancestors will find a useful overview of each country’s history, geography, and culture. In addition, the extensive section, “Getting to Know the Old Country,” offers a broad look at Eastern European geography maps, atlases, and gazetteers, which can be puzzling for new researchers.

I especially like the clear examples with callouts that explain the format and foreign language for records used in each country. Additional information on locating and understanding military records is featured in a separate chapter. Seasoned Eastern European researchers will find challenges in the author’s case studies and and advanced research strategies for breaking through Polish, Czech, and Slovak brickwalls. Extensive material in the book’s appendix supplement understanding for the foreign languages, and present a comprehensive listing of useful research repositories in the United States and in Europe.

When I finally do travel to the Old Country, I plan to pull out this book and review the suggestions for a successful research trip In a chapter devoted to “Heritage Travel and On-site Research.” I only wish I could take the author along as a tour guide. I've heard Lisa Alzo speak at genealogy conferences, and she has a great knack for explaining concepts clearly and directly. I highly recommend this book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Interesting Reference Book
By Amy L. Fuller
I ordered this book because I'm researching my family tree and thought it would be a great reference book. I have learnt a lot about my heritage.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very helpful
By Lillian J. Moore
I have been researching my grandparents who both came over from Poland and this will definitely point me in the right direction.

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[T287.Ebook] Download The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo Doc

[T287.Ebook] Download The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo Doc
[T287.Ebook] Download The Family Tree Polish, Czech And Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, by Lisa A. Alzo Doc

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

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  • Binding: Unknown Binding

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