Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

[N137.Ebook] Ebook Free A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman

Ebook Free A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman

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A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman

A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman

A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman

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A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman

A Guide to Chess Improvement features the very best of Dan Heisman’s multi-award winning chess column Novice Nook, which has run for the past ten years at the popular website ChessCafe.com. This book is full of valuable instruction, insight and practical advice on a wide range of key subjects: general improvement, thought processes, planning and strategy, tactics, endgame play, technique, time management and much more besides.

Heisman has thoroughly revised, expanded and updated his work to produce an easy-to-navigate guide. He has also included brand new and exclusive columns. Any player from beginner to expert who is serious about improving their chess should read this book!

*An essential guide to chess improvement
*Covers in depth all the key areas of chess
*Written by a distinguished chess instructor

  • Sales Rank: #903468 in Books
  • Brand: The House of Staunton
  • Model: 9781857446494
  • Published on: 2010-11-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 6.75" w x 1.00" l, 1.67 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 384 pages
  • Author: Dan Heisman
  • Pages: 381 Pages
  • Publication Years: 2010

From the Back Cover

A Guide to Chess Improvement features the very best of Dan Heisman's multi-award winning chess column Novice Nook, which has run for the past ten years at the popular website ChessCafe.com. This book is full of valuable instruction, insight and practical advice on a wide range of key subjects: general improvement, thought processes, planning and strategy, tactics, endgame play, technique, time management and much more besides.

Heisman has thoroughly revised, expanded and updated his work to produce an easy-to-navigate guide. He has also included brand new and exclusive columns. Any player from beginner to expert who is serious about improving their chess should read this book!

*An essential guide to chess improvement

*Covers in depth all the key areas of chess

*Written by a distinguished chess instructor

About the Author

Dan Heisman is a USCF National Master, a FIDE Candidate Master, a full-time chess teacher and the author of many chess books. He's a multi award-winning columnist for ChessCafe.com, and presents weekly instructional videos for the Internet Chess Club. He recently won the Chess Journalists of America 2010 awards for Journalist of the Year, Best Column and Best Instructive Lesson.

Most helpful customer reviews

46 of 48 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent book from a fine chess teacher
By Jim
As a novice chess player who only took up the game with any seriousness when in my late 50's (!), I appreciate the rare chess book that includes as much prose as Dan Heisman's A Guide to Chess Improvement, for I find that reading paragraph after paragraph and sometimes page after page of lines like this - 39. Kxg3 f5 40. h4 g6 41. Kf3 Ke6 42. g3 Kd5 43. Ke3 Nc5 44. Bg7 Ne4 45. g4? fxg4 46. Ke2 Ng3+ 47. Kf2 Nh5 48. Bc3 Ke4 49. Ke2 g3 50. Be1 Nf4+ 51. Kd2 Kf3* and on and on and on - taxes my aging brain! Dan, who I had the pleasure of conversing with in a brief email exchange when I requested errata for another of his fine books, seem to be a down to earth guy with relational skills that come across in the written word, that some high level chess players seem to lack (though there are any number of notable exceptions). His tone and approach to teaching through his writings is at once friendly, encouraging, logical, well-paced and demanding, and is never condescending. One of the reasons I decided to take up chess at this point in my life is because I value critical thinking and reasoning, knew that the ability to reason well can decline with age - especially if not exercised - and knew that chess is a game - or sport, as some prefer - that exercises the reasoning faculties (and more, of course, e.g., intuition, pattern recognition, and perseverance). If Dan wasn't a chess teacher I bet he'd make a good analytic philosopher or a logician, as his razor sharp reasoning skills are evident throughout his writings.

A Guide to Chess Improvement is a hefty 381 pages and a good-size (6 3/4" x 9 3/4"), and the printing of the prose and diagrams are as clear as can be on brilliant white, non-glossy paper. (While there are plenty of diagrams in the book, they do not appear on every page. For someone like me who sometimes enjoys reading about chess rather than just studying diagrams and annotated games, this is a plus.) (An index would be an added plus, but this book does not have one.)

As many people no doubt know, radio personality Howard Stern is a chess enthusiast and one of Dan's students. (The United States Chess Federation site has Dan's April 23, 2010 article, "A 'Sirius' Lesson: Teaching Chess to Howard Stern" free for the reading - no membership required. The site is uschess dot org, and if you Google sirius stern heisman a link to the article will be among the first entries to come up.) *(Copied and pasted from the aforementioned article, the final moves of one of Stern's games where he played black.)

I love this book. If you're not familiar with Dan's Novice Nook columns, they're easy to find, and perusing a few should give you a clear sense of what the book is like (and of course one can use Amazon's "look inside" feature to peruse the book and get a sense of its content and layout).

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Like being lectured by Treebeard.
By Skippy 01
Including the part where you realize that Treebeard is right: you've been hasty, very hasty...

Dan Heisman's focus is on removing misconceptions and bad habits. The amount of positive chess information is small. He has only a few points he wants to make and plenty of space to make them in, so he beats them into the ground.

Some of these points will not apply to you. Your circumstances are different, or you already know that. Therefore whole chapters are tedious. The lecturing on how to have a useful relationship with a chess coach, prices, travel, reasonable expectations and so on goes on and on.

The chapters on time management (in other words "do not be hasty") went on and on...

And then I realized that he was right, and that these bits of advice were relevant to me (even though I resisted that idea at first), and that I needed to go through all this patiently as many times as it took for the advice to sink in. (Not just on time management either.)

I've been through the book once, and I'm starting again.

I don't know if this will affect my rating at all. But I can point to several moves in my games that were different from and better than what they would have been if I had not been bearing in mind some advice from A Guide to Chess Improvement, and at other points I dug into alternative lines of play that I would not have considered before, but nothing came of it.

That's pretty good. I've read much more prestigious chess books that had no useful effect on my play or my chess thinking.

14 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent guide for resource available. Covers much ground.
By S. Stradtman
Definitely worth the price. This book is an excellent 'consumer reports' type guide to especially the books available to increase the ability of an individual to play the game, with suggestions for persons at beginner thru intermediate plus levels. There is also good discussion of the needed people resources; including coaching and live play opponents. Much better to spend some time with book, than to just look at book titles on Amazon.com and guess which might be the best for a given person's situation.

See all 12 customer reviews...

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[N137.Ebook] Ebook Free A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman Doc

[N137.Ebook] Ebook Free A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman Doc

[N137.Ebook] Ebook Free A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman Doc
[N137.Ebook] Ebook Free A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best Of Novice Nook, by Dan Heisman Doc

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